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on the whole cart
Do you only want to buy Biosec?
You can take advantage of the newest promotion, which gives you a discount of 10% on your entire shopping cart!
In this case, use the code:
BIOSEC10 and add it in the payment phase of our e-commerce site!
Start drying with our Biosec and tips from Livio Zanon Santon and Chef Dalicandro!
We are waiting for you, to become a real drying expert 😉
* promotion cannot be combined with other coupons or discount codes
free course and book when purchasing biosec
"I wanted to welcome the newcomers to the Biosec family with a special welcome. Mine and Chef Dalicandro's experience to learn in one hour everything you need to know to enjoy the Biosec world right away. That is why I have decided to give this course, together with the book, as a present to those who buy their new Biosec dryer."
Livio Zanon Santon
By purchasing the course you will receive the link and password to watch the exclusive "first steps" course in the comfort of your own home
Buy it now!
The course will be online, streamed and can be viewed several times. Together with the course, you will receive instructions with direct contact to ask questions to Livio Zanon Santon and Chef Dalicandro.
- To get the course for FREE, simply put it in your shopping cart together with any biosec dryer*.
* promotion cannot be combined with other coupons or discount codes
Seize the opportunity now by adding your favourite configuration to the cart.
Would you like to buy a different biosec by choosing the right dryer for your needs from the e-commerce?
Visit our online shop, add your biosec and remember to enter the discount code BIOSEC10 in the payment phase of our site.
Hurry up!
Seize the opportunity now by adding your favourite configuration to the cart.
Would you like to buy a different biosec by choosing the right dryer for your needs from the e-commerce?
Visit our online shop, add your biosec and remember to also include the free Course+Book.
Hurry up!