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Biosec Pro

high-tech natural drying

The future of drying is here. Choose temperature, duration, humidity and ventilation. Set your own steps and create your own drying process in total safety. Touch screen, glass door, recirculation, wifi and electronic humidity control in our most high-tech dryer.

For the sake of the environment.
Insulated structure for higher efficiency and greater energy savings, faster results and higher quality.
Need help?
Telephone 0444 719046
Whatsapp +39 3388725259
Mon-Fri 9-12.30 | 14.30-17.30
Technical Specifications

3 square metres of surface area

dimensions cm: 65 (W) x 56 (H) x 90 (D)

load capacity: up to 25 kg

12 stainless steel shelves 40 x 60 cm

Certified materials and technologies for superior drying and quality products.

Tauro's experts answer all your questions and needs. With us, you are never alone.

All Tauro systems are covered by a one-year European warranty.

Maximum efficiency, minimum consumption

  • Touch-screen display for precise setting: temperature, humidity, ventilation, final hold
  • Integrated humidity sensor
  • Automatic management of internal recirculation and humid air disposal
  • Maximum energy saving thanks to insulated structure
  • 4 fans to ensure uniform flow
  • Inlet and outlet air filter
  • Removable intake air filter
  • 100% Stainless steel MOCA certified
  • Hygiene and safety, with UV-C interior sanitisation on request

Infinite customisation possibilities


  • 12 shelves - 40x60x1,5 cm
  • 3 m2 of usable area
  • 2.1 kW allows working temperatures up to 70°C
  • 8 customisable programmes
  • UV-C RAYS: air sanitisation system
  • Wi-fi: system for remote control of operation
  • 2 internal grids
  • 3 box baskets for herbs and vegetable masses - 40x60x11 cm
  • Technical Information

    Data sheet
    •  Number of shelves: 12 (shelf size 40 x 60 cm)
    •  Total usable surface area: 3 m²
    •  Maximum load capacity: approx. 20 kg
    • External dimensions (WxHxD): 65 x 56 x 90 cm
    • Empty weight: approx. 59 kg
    • Thermal output: 2.1 kW
    • Temperature control: electronic with touch-screen display.
    • Humid air evacuation adjustment: automatic and adjustable
    • Power supply: 220-240 V - 50/60 Hz



    Biosec PRO is the new latest generation dryer designed and manufactured by Tauro. The automatic programmes make the drying process simple and immediate, but leave you autonomy in determining the operating temperature: work out dedicated and customised solutions for your needs with our team.


    Insulated structure for higher efficiency and greater energy savings, 4 fans to ensure homogeneity of flow, faster results and higher quality, respecting the customer, the environment and your wallet.


    UV-C RAY SANITIFICATION: Maximise the hygiene of your Biosec Pro with UV-C rays, which help to sanitise the circulating air, for an even more professional and superior result with maximum safety.
    MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WITH WIFI: integrated WiFi to control processes from smartphones and PCs, implement programmes and ensure instant diagnostics even remotely. We always know what's going on inside your Biosec Pro!


    Comparison Table

    All different models of domestic dryers
    Biosec ProB.MasterB.Master Plus
    Number of shelves124072
    Shelf dimensions60x40 cm70x50 cm70x50 cm
    Total useful surface area3mp14sqm25sqm
    External dimensions88x55hx63 cm192x140hx82 cm192x175hx82 cm
    Thermal power2.1 kW3.4 kW single-phase3.4 kW single-phase
    Temperature controlElectronically programmable with LCD touchscreenElectronics with LED displayElectronics with LED display
    Damp air disposalAutomatic with RH probe and touchscreen displaymanual via finned damper
    or automatic (optional)
    manual via finned damper
    or automatic (optional)
    Comparing features of professional models
    Number of shelves12
    Shelf dimensions60x40 cm
    Total surface area3sqm
    External dimensions88x55hx63 cm
    Thermal power2.1 kW
    Temperature controlElectronically programmable with LCD touchscreen
    moist air disposalAutomatic with RH probe and touchscreen display
    Number of shelves40
    Shelf dimensions70x50 cm
    Total surface area14sqm
    External dimensions192x140hx82 cm
    Thermal power3.4 kW single-phase
    5.1 kW three-phase
    Temperature controlElectronics with LED display
    Damp air disposalmanual via finned damper
    or automatic (optional)
    B. Master Plus
    Number of shelves72
    Shelf dimensions70x50 cm
    Total surface area25sqm
    External dimensions192x175hx82 cm
    Thermal power3.4 kW single-phase
    7.5 kW three-phase
    Temperature controlElectronics with LED display
    Damp air disposalmanual via finned damper
    or automatic (optional)


    How many kilos of product can I dry with this machine?

    It depends! On the product, how you prepare it and how you place it on the baskets. We have created some reference tables which you can find in the catalogue, but to get an exact idea of how much product you can load, arrange the product on a square metre of surface, just as you would in the dryer. Then multiply the weight of the arranged product by the drying surface of the machine, in this case 3 square metres.

    How much does the dryer consume per cycle?

    The power expressed in kW expresses the maximum energy consumption when heating elements and fans are both operating at full capacity. The precise consumption depends mainly on the ambient temperature outside the machine and the amount of total moisture in the product being dried, most of which must be disposed of in the first few hours of drying. Remember that drying is a process that tends towards equilibrium and that, in the very first hours of drying, the aim is to eliminate as much water as possible, especially that present on any wet surface of the product. Moisture is thus disposed of conspicuously at first, then more and more slowly, so the temperature inside the machine will tend to be lower at first, then stabilise. This is why electricity consumption will be much higher at the beginning, then decrease considerably as time goes by.

    Where does the moisture extracted from the product go?

    The moisture is disposed of in the room where you have placed the dryer, which for this reason must be sufficiently large and well ventilated.

    Is it necessary to provide a dedicated space in which to place the dryer in my company?

    Yes. If you dry in order to resell the dried product, you will need a dedicated space that complies with European legislation on the safety and hygiene of food processing environments and foodstuffs (EC Regulation 852/2004 at the time of writing) by adopting a control plan according to the H.A.C.C.P. system. This space does not necessarily have to be for the exclusive use of the dryer, but it must still comply with the regulations in force.

    Do I need a technician to install the dryer?

    No. Biosec Pro is ready to use. Simply take it out of its packaging, place it in the space provided and plug it in.

    With the automatic ventilation module or the RH (relative humidity) function of Biosec Pro can I decide or monitor the final humidity of my product?

    The RH (relative humidity) function of Biosec Pro is designed to keep the humidity level of the air inside the dryer under control. Product moisture can be measured with special instruments, different and specific for each type of dried food.

    Does Biosec Pro have a timer? Can I set it to switch off, e.g. at night?

    Biosec Pro offers the possibility to set the duration of the drying cycle, at the end of which the dryer either switches off completely or activates the 'Conservation' mode, to maintain a minimum of ventilation at all times and prevent the product from rehydrating with static air humidity.

    Can I manage the dryer remotely?

    By choosing the optional Wi-Fi system, you can check the operating status of the dryer from any device. In this way you will always have temperature, humidity, time, etc. under control. Changing individual parameters and switching the machine on or off are essential functions that can only be carried out in person, in the presence of the dryer itself.

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      Generating value with quality and innovation: with a Tauro dryer it's easy
      Make yourself known: differentiate your restaurant's offer, play with flavours, amaze with textures, focus on taste, give your dishes an unexpected touch
      Offer added value and new life to your best products: with drying you renew your business and make it green and zero waste

      Maximum efficiency, minimum consumption

      • Touch-screen display for precise setting: temperature, humidity, ventilation, final hold
      • Integrated humidity sensor
      • Automatic management of internal recirculation and humid air disposal
      • Maximum energy saving thanks to insulated structure
      • 4 fans to ensure uniform flow
      • Inlet and outlet air filter
      • Removable intake air filter
      • 100% Stainless steel MOCA certified
      • Hygiene and safety, with UV-C interior sanitisation on request

      Infinite customisation possibilities


    • 12 shelves - 40x60x1,5 cm
    • 3 m2 of usable area
    • 2.1 kW allows working temperatures up to 70°C
    • 8 customisable programmes
    • UV-C RAYS: air sanitisation system
    • Wi-fi: system for remote control of operation
    • 2 internal grids
    • 3 box baskets for herbs and vegetable masses - 40x60x11 cm