A new appointment to learn all the techniques and the tricks of a'unconventional drying, with the teaching of official chef of Tauro, Paolo Dalicandro!
We look forward to seeing you at the school One Day Chef in Rome, for four intensive hours, all dedicated to the use of the Biosec dryer.
Lo Chef Paolo Dalicandro is a fan of drying and especially of the special use of this tool. From healty cooking to home-made powders such as granulated stock, from dried meat to puffed pastry, from fruit wafers to meringues, from candied fruit to yoghurt, not forgetting cheese.
In this lesson, you will learn how to make the dryer useful in your kitchen for preparation and storage, how to choose it, the differences between a vertical and horizontal dryer, the use of non-stick sheets and the choice of temperatures.
You can't miss it!
The cost of the course is 80€ and you can get more information from official course page.
All details of the course below:
WHERE: Viale Carlo Felice 25, 00185 - Rome
WHEN: 26 October 2018
TIMETABLE: 15.30 – 19.30
COST: € 80,00